
International model school is a private boarding, co –educational K – 12 Bilingual school (French & English) which is situated at Guinkomey, Cotonou, Benin Republic. The founder, Mrs Nnena James created this noble school 28 years ago with a clear vision of drawing children from all walks of life to impact knowledge, hence the motto “ BRINGING THE WORLD TOGETHER FOR THE KNOWLEDGE TO EXCEL”. The diverse community that International Model Schools has makes it stands out from other schools which make them the number one in Benin. The school challenges the students in Academics, Athletics and Arts which provides the students with great experiences. The school is also very welcoming with different religion, where students and pupils are free with their religions. No discrimination.


Academics is life at IMS. Everyone is super competitive. There is a high level of competition amongst the students. The teachers, however, are top-notch in delivering their various subjects to the students, thereby making the students to be eager to learn and the classroom, an interesting environment for the students International Model School encourages and consistently exposes the children to different languages, cultural, technological environment through cultural and educational programs. It has however, great wealth of experience relationship with her affiliated universities in the USA which has greatly offered notable scholarships to some of the students after their graduation from IMS. Moreso, the students have also been exposed in other countries such as Canada, Turkey, United Arab Emirate (UAE), to mention but a few. The school attracts students from all over the world. They have a world class educational system which also strengthens student’s language skills not just English language; though it is pretty much the lingual Franca in the business and professional world today. The students are also able to learn a host of other languages including French, Arabic and Spanish. The students of IMS have also participated immensely in a competition organized by Champions Foundation International Cotonou captioned “ Golden Star Experience” where they have always gone home as winners for two consecutive years. To add to this excellence, WAEC, BAC (Baccalaureat), BEPC and CEP (English and French) results have always been mind blowing each year. The students always come out in flying colours in both the SSCE and JSCE. They also sit for GCE, TOEFL, and SAT. The rigor at esteem in IMS prepares the students for college.


  1. To set and meet high expectations for Academic achievement for all students in order to prepare them for a productive adult life, continuing education and responsible citizenship
  2. To create the optimal environment for learning by meeting the fundamental needs of all learners
  3. To set and meet high standards for the performance of teachers and administrators leading to improved students learning.
  4. To focus resources effectively, efficiently, and equitably in order to ensure that all IMS students achieve at high levels
  5. Expose all students to the world of technology (6) Provide a teaching and learning environment where racial, ethnic and economic isolation is reduced and the diversity of our student’s population is embraced.


There are many extra-curricular opportunities at IMS. Students are engaged and have the chance to shine in preferred club or social activities. The school environment allows students to have many solid options for after-school activities as well. Sports events and academic clubs are the most popular activities in IMS. The teachers are very friendly and accommodating for the competitive environment of the school. BOARDING HOUSE: A boarding house offers a wealth of experience in both learning and living in the school. IMS boarding school students have fewer distractions. They can focus better on their studies because television, video games, phones and other distractions are limited. The students usually perform better academically because they live in an environment that is secured and conducive for learning. Boarding school students in IMS quickly learn how to perform many domestic chores and complete school assignments by themselves. They become experts in managing their time, money and other resources. These students, however, mature quickly and tend to be very independent and successful in higher institution and life. More often than not, the boarding school students have cultural diversity. They live and attend classes therefore; they learn to appreciate and respect the differences in one another and live amicably. Some may even learn the basics of another language as a result of the friendship they form. IMS boarding school students are known to graduate with exceptional character and demeanor. They live in a school environment where traits such as honesty, respect and hard work are valued and emphasized. The pupils and students have a moral advantage. Boarding school life exposes them to a wider range of activities to broaden their learning. THE BELIEF OF IMS: The belief of International Model Schools is that all children are capable of attaining high levels of achievement in preparation for productively rewarding lives and become responsible citizens of their various countries.